#66 Eric Huebner: Transitioning from Wrestling to Jiu-Jitsu
We always talk in jiu-jitsu about how easy guys who wrestled in school have it.
"They just need to learn some submissions."
I hear that all of the time. But, is it true?
I find that a majority of wrestlers that come in, don't stick with jiu-jitsu for some reason or another. Today I(@thejoshmckinney) have the pleasure of interviewing Eric Huebner(@erichueb12), one of my brown belts who was(and still is) a phenomenal wrestler and has transitioned into being sold out for gi jiu-jitsu.
We dig into what it was like making that jump and why he loves jiu-jitsu so much.
We also are able to tell the crazy story of the first time that I ever directly experienced racism.
You guys are going to LOVE this episode. Enjoy! Simplifying Jiu-Jitsu free e book: https://www.simplifyingjiujitsu.com/opt-in